Posted on 2023-11-19

Greetings to our innovative community of hackers!

Our Fe hackathon at Devconnect Istanbul has come to an end and we would like to thank everyone who participated. We were very pleased to see such a diverse and creative set of attendees. This was the first time for us to organize a hackathon and we have learned a lot from it.

The hackathon was structured in two tracks and we received 8 submissions for the library track and 11 submissions for the application track. We are very happy with the number and quality of the submissions and we hope that you all had fun getting your feet wet with Fe!

We had a jury of 6 people who evaluated the submissions individually and voted independently.

Without further ado, here are the winners of the hackathon:

Library track

1st place (2.048 ETH): Fixed Point Library

Project page & Github repo

This project introduces a fixed-point number representation and mathematical operations tailored for Fe. It can be used in financial computations, scientific simulations, and data analysis.

2nd place (1.024 ETH): p256verifier

Project page & Github repo

Secp256r1 (a.k.a p256) curve signature verifier which allows for verification of a P256 signature in fe.

3rd place (0.512 ETH): Account Storage with Efficient Sparse Merkle Trees

Project page & Github repo

Efficient Sparse Merkle Trees in Fe! SMTs enable inclusion and exclusion proofs for the entire set of Ethereum addresses!

Application track

1st place (2.048 ETH): Tic tac toe game with FE

Project page & Github repo

An implementation of the classic tic tac toe game in Fe with a Python frontend.

2nd place (1.024 ETH): Fecret Santa

Project page & Github repo

Fecret Santa is an onchain Secret Santa event based on a "chain": gift a collectible (ERC721 or ERC1155) to the last Santa and you'll be the next to receive a gift!

3rd place (0.512 ETH): go do it

Project page & Github repo

A commitment device to help you achieve your goals.

Thank you!

We will be reaching out to the winners individually through taikai to arrange the payment of the prizes.

We like to thank everyone who participated in the hackathon as well as everyone involved in the organization of Devconnect Istanbul as well as all the volunteers that made this event possible. 🙏

If you have any feedback for us, please come by our Discord and let us know!